Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dalai Lama Gives Audience to Tibetans from Tibet and Chinese from PRC

On the morning of the January 3, 2012 at Bodh Gaya, India, the Dalai Lama gave a special audience to the 8000 Tibetans from across Tibet and the 1300 Chinese from China who had come to receive his teachings on the Kalachakra tantra.
He stated to the Tibetans that the problems that they confront will be solved one day but that they must take a long term view of things and not be disheartened by present circumstances. The Dalai Lama clarified his reasons for devolving political powers and stated that he sees the transition to a democratic rule in exile Tibetan society as a proud accomplishment, and that they should not view it as the Dalai Lama having lost spirit. The Dalai Lama said that as China opens up and becomes more informed, the Chinese will see the situation of Tibet and China in a clearer manner.
He told the Chinese in the audience that he hoped that the growing interest in Buddhism inside China will help mitigate some of the excesses of a purely materialist society, and that Buddhism's positive impact on China is also a good thing for the world in general.
source Credit: VOAnews

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