Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Government Cannot Be Run As A Corporation

(From Left: Kalon Dolma Gyari, Kalon Dongchung Ngodup,
Kalon Tripa Dr. Lobsang Sangay, Kalon Pema Chinjor,
Kalon Dicki Choyang, and Kalon Tsering Wangchuk)
Hangover from recent election of Kalon Tripa in the absence of Dalai Lama as a political leader has now come full circle with the formation of new members to the Kashag. The composition of the Kashag seemed in line with what Kalon Tripa said during his campaign. It is a step in a right direction. While one cannot make everyone happy and critics will always be there no matter what one do. If one's motive is sincere and truthful, then one should go with its gut. While it is desirable to bring in professionals and technocrats to run a corporation, same may not be the same for running government. A government cannot be run as a corporation. Let me give you reason why: The need and objective of a government and a corporation are different. Objectives of a corporation is profit and whereas it may not be the case with a government. A corporation is accountable and answerable to their shareholders and a government is accountable and answerable to everyone. A corporation can close if the desired result is not achieved and the government has to continue despite its lackluster result. A government must make policies based on the interests of its citizens and that may not be case with a corporation.
Effectiveness of a government can be ensured when there is an amicable blend of people with experiences regarding government functioning and professionals/technocrats. Idea of TibetCorp is excellent but it must not duplicate or compliment the work already done by Planning Commission of CTA or the SARD under Finance Department. Therefore it is very important that there is a clear understanding of work of these units so that there is no misunderstanding in the functioning of these units. 
In short, desirable blend of ideas from both corporate and government entity may be best solution for effective running of the government.
Let us all rally behind this new Kashag and wish them success.

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