Saturday, May 14, 2011

Who will administer Oath of Office to New Kalon Tripa?

As Tibetan brace for new Kalon Tripa ( Prime Minister), one wonder who will administer the Oath of Office to the New Kalon Tripa. This question is very important as it will not only determine whether Kalon Tripa is a head of government or head of the State. I have tried to find answer into it because I thought this is perhaps the most important aspect of our democracy after His Holiness the Dalai Lama relinquish the political power. It is still not clear given the new dynamic of Tibetan Polity sans Dalai Lama as a political head, whether new Kalon Tripa is head of the government and of the State.  If this is the case, then it is obvious that Chief Justice Commissioner will administer the Oath of Office. If Kalon Tripa is Head of the Government and not the State, then Oath of Office will be administer by the Head of the State. I have been discussing this matter but there seemed to be different opinion. Some says Oath of Office will be administer by Dalai Lama while other says it will be administer by the Chief Justice Commissioner. So there still remain this question which will need an answer. Tibetan Constitution was drafted where Dalai Lama is Head of the State and the Government. Amendment is also being made to the constitution keeping in view that Dalai lama gave up his political power.
However, whether this issue of Kalon Tripa being head of the Government or the State is addressed in the amendment or not still remain to be seen.

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