Monday, February 15, 2010

Sending signals over the Dalai Lama

Source: BBC
Barack Obama will see the Dalai Lama in the White House this week. They met once when Mr Obama was just a senator, but what degree of warmth and enthusiasm will he show as president ? After all, he put off meeting the Tibetan spiritual leader before his trip to Beijing due to an unfortunate "clash of diaries".
Now that the meeting is back in the diary, China has again protested. The president needs a friendly China, not least over sanctions against Iran, but tensions have been rising between the two big powers - over trade and the US sale of arms to Taiwan.
There is something both ritualised and predictable about this diplomatic dance.
Pres Bush and Dalai LamaAll US presidents since 1990 have met the Dalai Lama and it would be noteworthy if Obama kept him at arm's length. But he doesn't want to turn the familiar affront to Beijing's rulers into something more serious.
So will there be a televised chat in front of the cameras? Will the president take him up to Capitol Hillas Bush did? Or will there be a simple still photograph taken by the official White House snapper? The West Wing mandarins are as capable of sending elegant signals as any in Old Peking.

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