Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dalai Lama firms move away from reincarnation

Source: ABC News
The Dalai Lama says the people of Tibet should be involved in choosing his successor, and even deciding whether the institution should continue at all after his death.

The new reincarnation of the Dalai Lama is usually chosen by senior Buddhist officials, but observers say the Dalai Lama is considering breaking this tradition in order to reduce the influence of China.

The exiled spiritual leader has suggested one possibility is borrowing the Catholic tradition of electing a Pope.

There could be a different sort of methods or ways ... one like Pope selection among the high, elder, experienced, respected spiritual leaders. It is possible to choose one successor over another one."

The Dalai Lama has warned that when he dies, China will try to promote its own candidate.

1 comment:

Explorer said...

Felt good to c a blog that follows H H Dalai lama and verything tibetan. Thank you.